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Youth Rugby Awards

Youth Rugby Awards

Matthew Jary14 May 2018 - 13:50

Great appreciation for the players and parents from both the Minis and Youth sections at L&Y

Whilst it has been a difficult year for Lowestoft & Yarmouth Rugby Club at senior level there are still plenty of positives to be found at Gunton Park. The annual youth section awards presentations took place on Sunday with the Club house packed out twice in the day, in the morning for the Mini’s and then again in the afternoon for the Clubs Youth sides.

Pictured here along side President Russ Wilson are the youth sides winners of the awards for Most Improved Player, Coaches Player of the Season and the coveted Players Player voted for by the team members themselves. The 2017/18 season teams involved were U14, U15/16 combined and U17’s. All of the L&Y Youth sides are increasingly competitive in Norfolk and Eastern Counties Rugby and benefiting from the additional resources the Club is committing to youth development by way of coaching support and its school liaison programs in both towns from which its teams are drawn.

Director of Rugby Gary Cooper said that whilst it is important that we continue to rebuild our senior playing base after a tough 2017/18 season in the long term the club will only thrive if it can effectively operate as a community based club that provides opportunity for sporting involvement and achievement within the guiding principles of the game, Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Discipline, Respect and Enjoyment. To achieve this we are increasingly committing our resources to support Youth Rugby within the Club and local schools.

For the players the presentation event was a great opportunity to meet up and pass their thanks to their sides management and coaches, to the Clubs back room staff and also their parents for their help and support in becoming members of the Club.

The Club is keen to add to its playing base at all levels and so for further information please contact Dan Culverwell for Minis (ages u7 to u12), Malcolm Howard for Youth (ages u13 to u18) or Gary Cooper for Seniors.

Further reading